1. Enter all letters for at least one guess
  2. Tap the box under each letter to select hint
  3. Tap "Get possible solutions" below
  4. If you want to remove a letter, tap on it

We recommend getting possible solutions frequently to have better chances at guessing the daily Wordle earlier.

When choosing the next guess, we recommend picking words that are common in everyday English.

How to: WORLDE solver

In WORDLE, you will need to find the first word yourself. MW got you covered, though. Tap here to view all five-letter words.

WORDLE is going to give you some hints. Gray means the letter is not in the sought-after word, yellow means the letter is in the word but in the wrong position and green means the letter is both in the word and at the right position.

Enter all your guesses and their associated hints up until now and tap "Get possible solutions" to receive possible words for your next guess.

Morewords WORDLE solver is going to show you a bunch of possibilities. Chances are those are too broad in the first turn; but that doesn't matter, go back to WORDLE and enter any word you like.

Repeat the steps until there are only a few words, or ideally, only one word left. The Morewords team calculated that even if you have the worst possible luck, your chances are still 50% of guessing correctly with the help of our WORDLE solver.

In our simulations, the WORDLE solver found the solution 99.8% of the time, simply by randomly picking one of the suggested words. Which means it is even higher for humans, because we can gauge the likelihood of success for a solution.


WORDLE is a word game that recently blew up. In its essence it is a variation of the popular board game "Mastermind".

Mastermind is (usually) a game for two players. Each turn, one of the players is the so-called Codemaker. Their task is to generate a combination of colored pins - the "Code" - without the other party - the Codebreaker - seeing the combination. Firstly, the challenger enters a combination at random. The Codemaker will indicate how many of the pins are of correct position and color and how many of the pins are of correct color but incorrect position. This is repeated until the correct combination was deduced.

WORDLE is very similar, but entirely different about how it indicates a correct pin (or letter in this case). Instead of showing you the correct amount of letters, it shows you the exact letters which are both correct and in the correct position. WORDLE indicates this with a green background color.

WORDLE marks letters which exist within the word but reside at the wrong position with an orange color. And letters that do not exist in the word at all are simply gray.

You have exactly six turns to guess the word. The first turn is pretty much a coinflip - choose any you word want - but the beauty of WORDLE is that you are never clueless. Even if the first turn shows that five letters are gray (i.e. not in the word), it's at least something. Morewords WORDLE solver can easily deal with such situations and lift your mental overhead.

About our WORDLE solver

This personal WORDLE assistant is going to make your daily WORDLE a cakewalk. There aren't many WORDLE cheats out there; but consider yourself lucky. We at Morewords quickly took up the challenge of creating an efficient, easy-to-use WORDLE solver. For times where your mental overhead is getting unbearable or you need inspiration.

You may ask why people would even need a WORDLE cheat. You may say it is an easy game and there is no need for an external WORDLE solver. But do not forget, although WORDLE is quite a simple game, you can get extremely unlucky with the hints WORDLE provides you after each turn. Especially if your letters keep getting gray it's not looking too hot for you. Automated tools like Morewords can turn this around. With enough gray letters, our word database can filter out all impossible words. Humans are not designed to process information like this, the mental overhead is just too large.

That being said, without at least somewhat using your brain, you will not succeed in WORDLE. Because despite automated WORDLE solvers being able to spit out logically inferred lists of words, they cannot make the best decision for a word to be used for the next turn, for example. Humans are better at judging which words may have good chances and which may not for subsequent WORDLE hints. For example through experience or general knowledge about the probability of word occurrences.

Can it handle hard mode?

Yes. Morewords WORDLE solver was initially designed to work with the "hard mode". Remember, WORDLE's hard mode requires you to use hints given to you in the previous turn for the next turn. For green letters this means you are required to copy them. For yellow letters this means you are required to place them somewhere else. Morewords is convenient and allows you to enter all guesses at once, thus exactly replicate your current game.

If you like our WORDLE solver we would appreciate a recommendation to other people you know. This way, we can gather more feedback and improve our WORDLE solver in subsequent iterations. Thank you!