Words that end with HS, grouped by length
- electroencephalographs
- electrocardiographs
- electroretinographs
- spectroheliographs
- bathythermographs
- chromolithographs
- phonocardiographs
- astrophotographs
- electromyographs
- macrophotographs
- microphotographs
- microradiographs
- photolithographs
- photomicrographs
- rechromatographs
- autoradiographs
- chemoautotrophs
- encephalographs
- farthingsworths
- halfpennyworths
- microbarographs
- myocardiographs
- photoautotrophs
- phototelegraphs
- plethysmographs
- pyrophotographs
- radioautographs
- radiotelegraphs
- roentgenographs
- shillingsworths
- telephotographs
- anthropomorphs
- chemautotrophs
- chromatographs
- cinematographs
- fingerbreadths
- gynandromorphs
- hystricomorphs
- kinematographs
- lamellibranchs
- liebfraumilchs
- marsipobranchs
- nemathelminths
- opisthobranchs
- perennibranchs
- phonautographs
- platyhelminths
- pseudepigraphs
- quadrillionths
- quintillionths
- rechoreographs
- reflectographs
- rontgenographs
- superstrengths
- twopenceworths
- blabbermouths
- breakthroughs
- breastploughs
- cathodographs
- centillionths
- chemoautrophs
- commonwealths
- counterweighs
- drivethroughs
- elasmobranchs
- electrographs
- eleutherarchs
- ellipsographs
- enantiomorphs
- evaporographs
- flannelgraphs
- hairsbreadths
- handsbreadths
- harmonographs
- interboroughs
- keraunographs
- magnetographs
- marconigraphs
- meteorographs
- opisthographs
- ornithomorphs
- oscillographs
- phraseographs
- pythonomorphs
- rephotographs
- septillionths
- sextillionths
- spectrographs
- sphygmographs
- steganographs
- subparagraphs
- thirdboroughs
- trochelminths
- weathercloths
- aftergrowths
- allelomorphs
- bathmitsvahs
- bathmitzvahs
- breechcloths
- bridewealths
- cardiographs
- chaetognaths
- cheesecloths
- choreographs
- chronographs
- clairschachs
- coppersmiths
- coronagraphs
- coronographs
- cottonmouths
- countermyths
- crescographs
- cryptographs
- decillionths
- dendroglyphs
- dynamographs
- eavestroughs
- ecclesiarchs
- ergatomorphs
- feedthroughs
- footbreadths
- gastrotrichs
- glyphographs
- groatsworths
- gymnasiarchs
- hairbreadths
- hammercloths
- handbreadths
- headboroughs
- helicographs
- heterotrophs
- homoeomorphs
- intergrowths
- kinetographs
- lophobranchs
- luckenbooths
- meshuggenahs
- meshuggenehs
- nonillionths
- octillionths
- odontographs
- peristaliths
- plectognaths
- pneumographs
- polarographs
- prosobranchs
- pseudographs
- pseudomorphs
- psychographs
- pulmobranchs
- saddlecloths
- seismographs
- selenographs
- seventeenths
- shadowgraphs
- silversmiths
- stereographs
- stevengraphs
- supergrowths
- supersleuths
- symposiarchs
- tectibranchs
- tharboroughs
- theriomorphs
- thermographs
- torsiographs
- twelvemonths
- underbreaths
- undergrowths
- afterbirths
- altazimuths
- amphibrachs
- anemographs
- audiographs
- barmitsvahs
- barmitzvahs
- basmitzvahs
- bathmizvahs
- bathyscaphs
- batmitzvahs
- blacksmiths
- brickearths
- broadcloths
- childbirths
- chirographs
- choregraphs
- choropleths
- coelacanths
- crossbirths
- crumbcloths
- cyclographs
- dahabeeyahs
- ditriglyphs
- eighteenths
- enteroliths
- farboroughs
- floorcloths
- flutemouths
- fourteenths
- gallabiyahs
- gallabiyehs
- gastroliths
- gastrosophs
- greencloths
- halleluiahs
- hallelujahs
- hectographs
- heliographs
- heptastichs
- heresiarchs
- hieroglyphs
- hierographs
- hippogryphs
- homeomorphs
- homoeopaths
- honeymonths
- horselaughs
- hydrographs
- hyetographs
- hygrographs
- jellygraphs
- karyolymphs
- kinesipaths
- largemouths
- lattermaths
- lithoglyphs
- lithographs
- lukewarmths
- macrographs
- mammographs
- metalsmiths
- micrographs
- mimeographs
- motormouths
- naturopaths
- necrotrophs
- nephographs
- nineteenths
- nudibranchs
- ophiomorphs
- orthographs
- overgrowths
- overlengths
- overslaughs
- palaeoliths
- pantagraphs
- pantographs
- pennyworths
- pentagraphs
- pentastichs
- petroglyphs
- phonographs
- photoglyphs
- photographs
- phototrophs
- pictographs
- planigraphs
- pottymouths
- prototrophs
- psychopaths
- radiographs
- rajpramukhs
- rhabdoliths
- rhizomorphs
- saprotrophs
- schechitahs
- seventieths
- shamiyanahs
- shibboleths
- shillelaghs
- skeuomorphs
- smallmouths
- smartmouths
- snakemouths
- snowploughs
- spirographs
- squirearchs
- stenographs
- stillbirths
- stylographs
- tablecloths
- tachographs
- tachygraphs
- telehealths
- tetrabrachs
- tetrastichs
- thirteenths
- thousandths
- tragacanths
- trillionths
- underboughs
- underneaths
- usquebaughs
- vectographs
- vibrographs
- waistcloths
- wavelengths
- whitesmiths
- yarboroughs
- zincographs
- zygobranchs
- acritarchs
- aerographs
- aftermaths
- alembroths
- alleluiahs
- allographs
- allomorphs
- altigraphs
- arcographs
- autographs
- autotrophs
- auxotrophs
- ayatollahs
- azedarachs
- bacharachs
- backcloths
- bandwidths
- barographs
- batholiths
- bathyliths
- billionths
- bloodbaths
- bobsleighs
- bolographs
- boxwallahs
- brandreths
- cailleachs
- cailliachs
- cerecloths
- cerographs
- chanukiahs
- charoseths
- chiliarchs
- chincoughs
- choleliths
- chrysanths
- coccoliths
- colocynths
- coproliths
- copygraphs
- cranreuchs
- cycloliths
- cymagraphs
- cymographs
- cystoliths
- dahabeeahs
- dahabiyahs
- dahabiyehs
- decastichs
- dishcloths
- djellabahs
- dropcloths
- ectomorphs
- eidographs
- eightieths
- endolymphs
- endomorphs
- ergographs
- facecloths
- feldspaths
- fifteenths
- footcloths
- forecloths
- foreweighs
- frithborhs
- frogmouths
- galabiyahs
- gallabeahs
- gallabiahs
- gallabiehs
- glidepaths
- goalmouths
- goldsmiths
- granoliths
- gymnosophs
- haircloths
- haphtarahs
- headcloths
- hellbroths
- hemistichs
- hemolymphs
- hexastichs
- hodographs
- holographs
- homebirths
- homeopaths
- homographs
- homomorphs
- hundredths
- hydropaths
- hypomorphs
- ideographs
- idiographs
- intifadahs
- intifadehs
- ironsmiths
- jacksmiths
- jobsworths
- jokesmiths
- khansamahs
- kymographs
- labyrinths
- laccoliths
- lagomorphs
- locksmiths
- logographs
- logogriphs
- loincloths
- longcloths
- loudmouths
- madrassahs
- maharajahs
- marigraphs
- matriarchs
- medressehs
- megadeaths
- mesomorphs
- microliths
- millionths
- misgrowths
- monographs
- monostichs
- monotrochs
- mortcloths
- mushmouths
- neckcloths
- neuropaths
- ninetieths
- nomographs
- octastichs
- oleographs
- ondographs
- osteopaths
- outgrowths
- overweighs
- paleoliths
- paragraphs
- paramorphs
- paranymphs
- patriarchs
- pergunnahs
- perilymphs
- perimorphs
- peritrichs
- phacoliths
- philomaths
- phytoliths
- polemarchs
- polygraphs
- polymorphs
- polyptychs
- poormouths
- praiseachs
- pregrowths
- pyracanths
- rhinoliths
- rotographs
- sackcloths
- sailcloths
- sandarachs
- scholarchs
- serigraphs
- shamianahs
- shechitahs
- shillalahs
- shillelahs
- sialoliths
- sixteenths
- skiagraphs
- sociopaths
- songsmiths
- sonographs
- sourdoughs
- squirarchs
- stalworths
- statoliths
- stenobaths
- stroupachs
- tabboulehs
- taoiseachs
- telegraphs
- telestichs
- terebinths
- thirtieths
- tollbooths
- tomographs
- topographs
- tragelaphs
- trierarchs
- tunesmiths
- twentieths
- typographs
- umpteenths
- washcloths
- wherewiths
- wordsmiths
- xeromorphs
- xylographs
- zigamorphs
- zillionths
- acroliths
- aeroliths
- agallochs
- airgraphs
- allopaths
- amaranths
- anaglyphs
- apographs
- badmouths
- behemoths
- bequeaths
- besmooths
- bigmouths
- biographs
- biomorphs
- biotrophs
- birdbaths
- cabbalahs
- caillachs
- cenotaphs
- ceterachs
- chutzpahs
- claddaghs
- clarsachs
- coolabahs
- coolibahs
- copperahs
- coranachs
- cornmoths
- coronachs
- cromlechs
- dahabeahs
- dahabiahs
- dahabiehs
- danelaghs
- diaglyphs
- diagraphs
- drammachs
- drymouths
- elevenths
- ensheaths
- enwreaths
- epigraphs
- ethnarchs
- eurybaths
- fiftieths
- footbaths
- footpaths
- fortieths
- furloughs
- galabeahs
- galabiahs
- galabiehs
- gallumphs
- grallochs
- gunsmiths
- habdalahs
- haftarahs
- haftorahs
- haggadahs
- halakhahs
- hanukiahs
- haroseths
- harrumphs
- havdalahs
- havdolohs
- hawkmoths
- helminths
- heptarchs
- hiccoughs
- hierarchs
- hipparchs
- hosannahs
- hyacinths
- hydranths
- ingrowths
- insheaths
- isographs
- isomorphs
- isopleths
- jambiyahs
- jellabahs
- kabbalahs
- kaffiyahs
- kaffiyehs
- kashruths
- keffiyahs
- keffiyehs
- khalifahs
- kryoliths
- logomachs
- lopoliths
- madrasahs
- mashiachs
- mashlochs
- masoolahs
- mastabahs
- megaliths
- megillahs
- midmonths
- misbirths
- misfaiths
- mistruths
- monoliths
- monteiths
- mudiriehs
- myographs
- myriadths
- nanotechs
- nargilehs
- neomorphs
- nontruths
- oanshaghs
- odographs
- oilcloths
- oligarchs
- omniarchs
- opsimaths
- outlaughs
- outweighs
- outworths
- padishahs
- parashahs
- peishwahs
- penneechs
- pentarchs
- perianths
- phylarchs
- pisoliths
- polymaths
- poortiths
- prebirths
- predeaths
- preweighs
- puirtiths
- rabbitohs
- racepaths
- regoliths
- regrowths
- resmooths
- roorbachs
- savannahs
- shadrachs
- shehitahs
- sidepaths
- sixtieths
- skellochs
- strengths
- subepochs
- subgraphs
- syngraphs
- taboulehs
- tamworths
- taxiarchs
- telepaths
- tetrarchs
- theosophs
- thoroughs
- tinsmiths
- toiseachs
- tolbooths
- tribrachs
- triglyphs
- trigraphs
- trimorphs
- triptychs
- tristichs
- turloughs
- unhealths
- unsmooths
- upgrowths
- verandahs
- vermouths
- wanworths
- warmouths
- waxcloths
- xenoliths
- yeshivahs
- zoomorphs
- absinths
- acalephs
- acolyths
- aggadahs
- alannahs
- almirahs
- ardrighs
- autarchs
- azimuths
- bemouths
- betroths
- billyohs
- bimorphs
- biotechs
- bismuths
- boroughs
- brachahs
- breadths
- bushwahs
- cannachs
- catarrhs
- ceilidhs
- challahs
- cheetahs
- chuddahs
- chuppahs
- cleruchs
- currachs
- curraghs
- diglyphs
- digraphs
- dimorphs
- diptychs
- distichs
- djibbahs
- dorlachs
- dozenths
- engulphs
- enroughs
- epitaphs
- eyebaths
- galumphs
- genizahs
- goliaths
- goombahs
- greenths
- hadedahs
- halakahs
- halalahs
- halavahs
- harumphs
- heighths
- hutzpahs
- inearths
- ingulphs
- inveighs
- isobaths
- isopachs
- isotachs
- jacinths
- kajawahs
- ketubahs
- khirkahs
- khotbahs
- khotbehs
- khutbahs
- kufiyahs
- mammoths
- mastichs
- megilphs
- meltiths
- menorahs
- messiahs
- mezuzahs
- mitsvahs
- mitzvahs
- monarchs
- mudbaths
- murraghs
- navarchs
- nebbichs
- neoliths
- nomarchs
- otoliths
- padshahs
- pellachs
- pharaohs
- pibrochs
- pitarahs
- pooftahs
- pouftahs
- qabalahs
- raplochs
- rebirths
- reweighs
- sabbaths
- sabkhahs
- sahibahs
- sakiyehs
- schlichs
- scraichs
- scraighs
- scrauchs
- scraughs
- screichs
- screighs
- scriechs
- sevenths
- shantihs
- shariahs
- shiksehs
- shittahs
- simurghs
- skreeghs
- skreighs
- skriechs
- skrieghs
- spreaghs
- stealths
- stengahs
- stirrahs
- stomachs
- sunbaths
- talliths
- thannahs
- toisechs
- toparchs
- torgochs
- toshachs
- towpaths
- triarchs
- triliths
- triumphs
- turbeths
- turbiths
- turpeths
- twelfths
- unearths
- unfaiths
- ungirths
- untruths
- unworths
- uroliths
- vermuths
- waratahs
- warpaths
- yellochs
- youngths
- zabtiehs
- zaitechs
- zaptiahs
- zaptiehs
- zarnichs
- zooliths
- acanths
- akedahs
- aliyahs
- anarchs
- aurochs
- bablahs
- beegahs
- beenahs
- besighs
- bodachs
- breaths
- broughs
- bypaths
- caliphs
- casbahs
- ceriphs
- chalahs
- chalehs
- chetahs
- choughs
- cleuchs
- cleughs
- cloughs
- coolths
- coprahs
- cosechs
- creachs
- creaghs
- curaghs
- daledhs
- daleths
- dargahs
- dearths
- doodahs
- dourahs
- droichs
- drouths
- dukkahs
- durgahs
- eighths
- elenchs
- enoughs
- eoliths
- eparchs
- eriachs
- eunuchs
- exarchs
- fatwahs
- fellahs
- fourths
- galuths
- ganjahs
- geezahs
- gonophs
- graiths
- groughs
- growths
- grumphs
- gubbahs
- gunyahs
- gurrahs
- hadiths
- hajjahs
- hallahs
- halvahs
- hamzahs
- healths
- hearths
- highths
- hijrahs
- hookahs
- hoorahs
- houdahs
- howdahs
- huppahs
- hurrahs
- huzzahs
- jarrahs
- jibbahs
- josephs
- jubbahs
- jubhahs
- kaliphs
- kasbahs
- keblahs
- keddahs
- khedahs
- kiaughs
- kibbehs
- kiblahs
- kirbehs
- koolahs
- lamedhs
- lengths
- loofahs
- matsahs
- matzahs
- matzohs
- mikvahs
- mikvehs
- mollahs
- molochs
- moneths
- moolahs
- mullahs
- nallahs
- nullahs
- numdahs
- numnahs
- ollamhs
- ooliths
- oompahs
- pallahs
- paraphs
- pardahs
- pariahs
- pleuchs
- pleughs
- plinths
- ploughs
- poojahs
- punkahs
- purdahs
- quaichs
- quaighs
- rupiahs
- sakiehs
- samechs
- samekhs
- scaiths
- scarphs
- scarths
- scouths
- scowths
- sealchs
- sealghs
- seraphs
- seriphs
- shaikhs
- shaughs
- sheaths
- sheikhs
- sheuchs
- sheughs
- shibahs
- shivahs
- shoughs
- sirrahs
- skaiths
- skarths
- sleighs
- sleuths
- sloughs
- smeaths
- smeeths
- smooths
- sneaths
- sparths
- spilths
- staiths
- stouths
- straths
- succahs
- sukkahs
- sumachs
- sunnahs
- swarths
- tannahs
- tempehs
- thanahs
- troughs
- trowths
- tussahs
- tussehs
- varechs
- wallahs
- warmths
- wealths
- wheechs
- wheughs
- whidahs
- whydahs
- wirrahs
- wraiths
- wreaths
- wroaths
- zeniths
- zibeths
- zillahs
- airths
- alephs
- almahs
- almehs
- azoths
- bandhs
- beaths
- bekahs
- belahs
- berths
- bimahs
- births
- booths
- boughs
- brachs
- briths
- brochs
- broghs
- broths
- brughs
- bumphs
- bundhs
- burghs
- canehs
- cheths
- clachs
- cloths
- conchs
- coughs
- couths
- criths
- crwths
- dadahs
- dawahs
- deaths
- delphs
- depths
- derths
- donahs
- dosehs
- doughs
- earths
- ephahs
- epochs
- faiths
- fifths
- filths
- firths
- fouths
- fowths
- friths
- froths
- galahs
- garths
- gerahs
- girths
- glyphs
- graphs
- griths
- gulphs
- haughs
- heaths
- heuchs
- heughs
- horahs
- houghs
- humphs
- illths
- kanehs
- kaughs
- khaphs
- kheths
- laichs
- laighs
- latahs
- lauchs
- laughs
- lotahs
- loughs
- lymphs
- manehs
- marahs
- meaths
- meiths
- mirths
- months
- morphs
- mouths
- musths
- mynahs
- myrrhs
- neighs
- ninths
- norths
- nymphs
- obeahs
- omlahs
- omrahs
- oomphs
- psychs
- pujahs
- rajahs
- ralphs
- rayahs
- rewths
- roughs
- rouths
- rowths
- saiths
- sanghs
- sauchs
- saughs
- sawahs
- scaths
- selahs
- sieths
- sirihs
- sixths
- sloths
- smiths
- snaths
- sokahs
- solahs
- sooths
- soughs
- souths
- sowths
- staphs
- stichs
- subahs
- sumphs
- surahs
- swaths
- sylphs
- synchs
- synths
- syrahs
- tavahs
- tenths
- thighs
- tilths
- tooths
- torahs
- toughs
- troths
- truths
- tuaths
- waughs
- weighs
- widths
- worths
- wraths
- yecchs
- yirths
- youths
- yrnehs
- amahs
- ankhs
- ayahs
- bachs
- baghs
- baths
- beths
- blahs
- boohs
- caphs
- coths
- eughs
- gaths
- goths
- heths
- highs
- hoghs
- kaphs
- kiths
- kophs
- lakhs
- laths
- liths
- lochs
- machs
- maths
- meths
- mochs
- moths
- myths
- nighs
- noahs
- oaths
- odahs
- okehs
- opahs
- ouphs
- paths
- pechs
- peghs
- phohs
- piths
- poohs
- qophs
- raths
- rukhs
- ruths
- sechs
- shahs
- sighs
- sinhs
- sophs
- soths
- sughs
- sukhs
- syphs
- tachs
- tanhs
- taths
- techs
- teths
- tophs
- vughs
- withs
- yeahs
- yechs
- yodhs
- yoghs
- aahs
- bohs
- dahs
- dohs
- edhs
- eths
- fahs
- fehs
- fohs
- hahs
- hehs
- hohs
- ichs
- lahs
- oohs
- pahs
- pehs
- rahs
- rehs
- sohs
- ughs
- yahs
- ahs
- ehs
- ohs