Words that end with ELY, grouped by length
- contradistinctively
- overproportionately
- counterintuitively
- disproportionately
- magnetostrictively
- semiconservatively
- semiquantitatively
- intersubjectively
- undemonstratively
- administratively
- inappreciatively
- indiscriminately
- interpretatively
- multiplicatively
- nondestructively
- representatively
- supersensitively
- unaffectionately
- argumentatively
- authoritatively
- collaboratively
- commemoratively
- commiseratively
- communicatively
- compassionately
- comprehensively
- concentratively
- consideratively
- contemplatively
- contradictively
- corroboratively
- counteractively
- demonstratively
- determinatively
- dispassionately
- inappropriately
- inconsecutively
- inconsiderately
- indeterminately
- indistinctively
- insubordinately
- interrogatively
- introspectively
- postoperatively
- prefiguratively
- proportionately
- reduplicatively
- remonstratively
- retrogressively
- retrospectively
- sculpturesquely
- significatively
- transcriptively
- transgressively
- uncooperatively
- unimaginatively
- uninformatively
- unprogressively
- accumulatively
- affectionately
- alliteratively
- anticipatively
- appreciatively
- apprehensively
- assimilatively
- augmentatively
- commensurately
- conservatively
- constitutively
- constrictively
- constructively
- consultatively
- continuatively
- contributively
- deliberatively
- denominatively
- disconsolately
- discriminately
- dispensatively
- distributively
- exploitatively
- extortionately
- extraversively
- extroversively
- fermentatively
- illegitimately
- illustratively
- imperceptively
- imperfectively
- inarticulately
- inconclusively
- inexpressively
- insusceptively
- intellectively
- intempestively
- interdictively
- intermediately
- interpretively
- interruptively
- intransitively
- introversively
- invigoratively
- irrespectively
- irresponsively
- manipulatively
- opinionatively
- performatively
- postpositively
- preoperatively
- preponderately
- prescriptively
- proscriptively
- quantitatively
- recollectively
- regeneratively
- remuneratively
- reprehensively
- reproductively
- substitutively
- transmissively
- unattractively
- unproductively
- unreflectively
- unregenerately
- unresponsively
- verticillately
- vituperatively
- abstractively
- acquisitively
- adumbratively
- adversatively
- affirmatively
- aggregatively
- alternatively
- appellatively
- applicatively
- appropriately
- approximately
- associatively
- assortatively
- attributively
- clandestinely
- coextensively
- commutatively
- comparatively
- competitively
- compressively
- conjunctively
- connotatively
- consecutively
- considerately
- consumptively
- contractively
- contrastively
- cooperatively
- correlatively
- declaratively
- denticulately
- deprecatively
- descriptively
- destructively
- determinately
- diffractively
- disjunctively
- disordinately
- dispositively
- disputatively
- distinctively
- distractively
- enunciatively
- explanatively
- explicatively
- exploratively
- facultatively
- fasciculately
- imaginatively
- implicatively
- importunately
- inattentively
- ineffectively
- inelaborately
- inexpensively
- informatively
- inobtrusively
- inoffensively
- inopportunely
- inquisitively
- inscriptively
- insensitively
- instinctively
- institutively
- instructively
- intemperately
- interactively
- legislatively
- maladaptively
- obstructively
- originatively
- penetratively
- penicillately
- penultimately
- perspectively
- picturesquely
- precipitately
- predicatively
- predominately
- preparatively
- prepositively
- prerogatively
- presumptively
- progressively
- prohibitively
- prospectively
- provocatively
- qualitatively
- quarrelsomely
- radioactively
- rebarbatively
- reiteratively
- reprobatively
- restoratively
- restrictively
- retributively
- retroactively
- sinistrorsely
- speculatively
- subjunctively
- subordinately
- substantively
- superlatively
- suppositively
- terminatively
- transfusively
- triangulately
- troublesomely
- tuberculately
- unassertively
- unexclusively
- unexpensively
- unfortunately
- unobtrusively
- unselectively
- unwholesomely
- venturesomely
- accusatively
- adjunctively
- afflictively
- aggressively
- applausively
- appositively
- appraisively
- articulately
- assaultively
- assumptively
- astrictively
- attractively
- auriculately
- blithesomely
- caespitosely
- capacitively
- cogitatively
- collectively
- collegiately
- compulsively
- concessively
- conclusively
- concretively
- conductively
- connectively
- consummately
- convictively
- convulsively
- coordinately
- copulatively
- correctively
- corruptively
- cumbersomely
- cumulatively
- decoratively
- definitively
- degenerately
- degressively
- deliberately
- denotatively
- depressively
- derivatively
- derogatively
- detractively
- digressively
- diminutively
- discretively
- discursively
- dismissively
- dispersively
- disruptively
- dissuasively
- divaricately
- dubitatively
- effeminately
- emarginately
- execratively
- exhaustively
- exhibitively
- expositively
- expressively
- extractively
- federatively
- figuratively
- foursquarely
- frolicsomely
- geniculately
- illiterately
- immaculately
- immoderately
- imperatively
- impressively
- imputatively
- inaccurately
- inadequately
- inappositely
- inchoatively
- incompletely
- indecisively
- indefinitely
- indelicately
- indicatively
- indiscretely
- infinitively
- initiatively
- injunctively
- innovatively
- inordinately
- intemerately
- inveterately
- irrelatively
- irresolutely
- lachrymosely
- lanceolately
- legitimately
- locomotively
- meddlesomely
- meditatively
- nominatively
- opinionately
- oppressively
- palliatively
- paniculately
- passionately
- pejoratively
- perceptively
- percussively
- perfectively
- permissively
- persuasively
- possessively
- preceptively
- preclusively
- predictively
- preemptively
- preventively
- productively
- profligately
- projectively
- protectively
- protensively
- protrusively
- quantitively
- recreatively
- redemptively
- reflectively
- refractively
- regenerately
- regressively
- regulatively
- repetitively
- repressively
- reputatively
- respectively
- responsively
- resumptively
- reticulately
- retractively
- retrogradely
- ruminatively
- saccharinely
- separatively
- serpentinely
- simulatively
- statuesquely
- subjectively
- submissively
- submontanely
- subversively
- successively
- suggestively
- supportively
- suspensively
- transitively
- transversely
- tripartitely
- tripinnately
- triradiately
- uncoercively
- unhandsomely
- uniseriately
- vegetatively
- vindictively
- adjectively
- affectively
- aggregately
- alternately
- appulsively
- aspersively
- assertively
- attentively
- attuitively
- bellicosely
- bipartitely
- bipinnately
- burlesquely
- caressively
- causatively
- cespitosely
- circinately
- cognitively
- collusively
- combatively
- compositely
- conjugately
- connotively
- convolutely
- corporately
- corrosively
- corymbosely
- cucullately
- deceptively
- decursively
- decussately
- deductively
- defectively
- defensively
- desperately
- dextrorsely
- diffusively
- digestively
- disparately
- dissolutely
- duplicately
- effectively
- elaborately
- emulatively
- evocatively
- excessively
- exclusively
- excursively
- executively
- expansively
- expensively
- expletively
- explosively
- exquisitely
- extensively
- extorsively
- factitively
- festinately
- formatively
- fortunately
- gerundively
- grandiosely
- grotesquely
- heartsomely
- hortatively
- housewifely
- imbricately
- imitatively
- immediately
- impassively
- implosively
- importunely
- imprecisely
- impulsively
- inanimately
- incentively
- inceptively
- inclusively
- inconditely
- inductively
- infectively
- infertilely
- infuriately
- insatiately
- insensately
- insincerely
- intensively
- intricately
- intrusively
- intuitively
- invectively
- inventively
- inviolately
- irruptively
- iteratively
- lamellately
- lightsomely
- loathsomely
- lucratively
- masculinely
- narratively
- normatively
- nutritively
- objectively
- obsessively
- obstinately
- obtrusively
- offensively
- operatively
- opportunely
- ostensively
- oxidatively
- partitively
- pectinately
- pervasively
- plaintively
- prelusively
- prematurely
- primitively
- privatively
- probatively
- proximately
- pulsatively
- purgatively
- purposively
- receptively
- recessively
- reclusively
- reconditely
- recursively
- reductively
- reflexively
- religiosely
- remissively
- repulsively
- requisitely
- resistively
- retentively
- revulsively
- saturninely
- seclusively
- secretively
- seductively
- selectively
- sensitively
- talkatively
- temperately
- tentatively
- toothsomely
- umbellately
- unleisurely
- unwelcomely
- versatilely
- wearisomely
- wholesomely
- worrisomely
- ablatively
- abortively
- abrasively
- absolutely
- abstrusely
- accurately
- acervately
- adaptively
- additively
- adequately
- adhesively
- adoptively
- allusively
- antrorsely
- appositely
- aversively
- coactively
- cocksurely
- coercively
- cohesively
- comatosely
- completely
- concretely
- contritely
- conversely
- creatively
- creaturely
- crescively
- cruciately
- cumulately
- curatively
- decisively
- definitely
- delicately
- delusively
- derisively
- derogately
- desolately
- digitately
- discretely
- divisively
- dolesomely
- effusively
- ejectively
- electively
- eruptively
- expeditely
- farinosely
- fasciately
- fearsomely
- femininely
- figurately
- fishwifely
- fugitively
- gamesomely
- geminately
- genitively
- gladsomely
- gruesomely
- handsomely
- illatively
- illusively
- imbecilely
- immaturely
- impolitely
- inactively
- inchoately
- incisively
- increately
- infinitely
- inhumanely
- insecurely
- intimately
- introrsely
- inurbanely
- invasively
- involutely
- juvenilely
- lenitively
- literately
- lonesomely
- longsomely
- moderately
- negatively
- nominately
- obdurately
- obligately
- obsoletely
- oppositely
- optatively
- ordinately
- overfreely
- overnicely
- overtimely
- overwisely
- perversely
- positively
- prepensely
- pristinely
- propensely
- punitively
- putatively
- racemosely
- reactively
- relatively
- resolutely
- retrorsely
- rotatively
- sanguinely
- separately
- sportively
- squamosely
- stellately
- subacutely
- tiresomely
- toilsomely
- truncately
- ultimately
- unchastely
- undulately
- unpolitely
- unprincely
- vocatively
- abusively
- adversely
- amatively
- animately
- antiquely
- arcuately
- asininely
- aureately
- austerely
- averagely
- awesomely
- baroquely
- bizarrely
- brittlely
- brusquely
- ciliately
- clavately
- cognately
- comradely
- concavely
- concisely
- connately
- contumely
- cordately
- costively
- crenately
- cuneately
- cursively
- dentately
- diffusely
- diversely
- ductilely
- elusively
- emotively
- eruditely
- eutrapely
- evasively
- extremely
- featurely
- fertilely
- festively
- fictively
- fragilely
- fulsomely
- furcately
- furtively
- genuinely
- germanely
- globosely
- hastately
- hostilely
- immensely
- ingrately
- intensely
- inutilely
- inversely
- irksomely
- leisurely
- lissomely
- macabrely
- manlikely
- massively
- mediately
- monostely
- mundanely
- noisomely
- obliquely
- obovately
- obscenely
- obscurely
- obversely
- operosely
- palmately
- passively
- peltately
- pensively
- philately
- phocomely
- pinnately
- plicately
- plumosely
- precisely
- privately
- profanely
- profusely
- prolately
- puerilely
- purposely
- radiately
- reclusely
- repletely
- restively
- reversely
- roseately
- routinely
- sensately
- seriately
- servilely
- sincerely
- sinuately
- spinosely
- squirrely
- sterilely
- strangely
- suasively
- sublimely
- subtilely
- supremely
- tactilely
- tensilely
- ternately
- terrenely
- unawarely
- ungravely
- unitively
- unshapely
- verbosely
- welcomely
- winsomely
- actively
- affinely
- alpinely
- arcanely
- argutely
- astutely
- aversely
- behovely
- binately
- blithely
- bovinely
- chastely
- choicely
- coarsely
- crousely
- cymosely
- datively
- demurely
- divinely
- docilely
- effetely
- entirely
- equinely
- evangely
- facetely
- facilely
- felinely
- fiercely
- finitely
- futilely
- gauchely
- hoarsely
- humanely
- immanely
- impurely
- innately
- insanely
- jejunely
- jocosely
- lobately
- louchely
- lunately
- lyrately
- maturely
- meagrely
- minutely
- morosely
- natively
- oblately
- obtusely
- opaquely
- ornately
- otiosely
- pedately
- politely
- princely
- ramosely
- remotely
- rimosely
- rugosely
- savagely
- scarcely
- securely
- sedately
- senilely
- serenely
- severely
- sombrely
- sparsely
- spritely
- sprucely
- squarely
- squirely
- steevely
- stievely
- supinely
- supplely
- sveltely
- uncomely
- unhomely
- uniquely
- unlikely
- unlively
- unlovely
- unpurely
- unripely
- unsafely
- unsurely
- untimely
- unwarely
- unwifely
- unwisely
- urbanely
- virilely
- votively
- acutely
- agilely
- alonely
- bravely
- brutely
- closely
- crudely
- densely
- doucely
- erosely
- falsely
- gingely
- gradely
- gravely
- grisely
- grysely
- hartely
- inanely
- irately
- largely
- lithely
- loosely
- misrely
- naively
- obesely
- ovately
- primely
- pronely
- shapely
- snidely
- sparely
- stalely
- stately
- suavely
- tensely
- tersely
- tritely
- vaguely
- weasely
- whitely
- astely
- barely
- basely
- bluely
- cicely
- comely
- cutely
- direly
- finely
- freely
- gamely
- homely
- hugely
- lamely
- lanely
- lately
- likely
- lively
- lonely
- lovely
- merely
- mutely
- namely
- nicely
- nudely
- palely
- purely
- rarely
- rifely
- ripely
- rudely
- safely
- sagely
- samely
- sanely
- skeely
- solely
- sorely
- steely
- surely
- tamely
- timely
- titely
- troely
- tweely
- vilely
- vively
- wheely
- widely
- wifely
- wisely
- yarely
- deely
- jeely
- onely
- seely
- eely
- rely