Use ? or space for blank tiles.
Use star (*) to match multiple and dash (-) to match a single letter. See examples here.

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Unscramble pattern examples

The syntax is the one you already know from the standard search.


Find words of any length that have S and T separated by a single character from your rack. Additional characters from your rack may be put in front of S and/or after T. This will be your most common format.


Find words of any length that have R and T separated by three characters from your rack. Additional characters from your rack may be put in front of R, but none must be put after T.


Find words of any length that have Y and S separated by two characters from your rack. Additional characters from your rack may be put after S, but none must be put in front of Y.


Find words with 5 letters that have an A at position 2 and an O at position 4. Three characters from your rack are put in place of the dashes (-).


Find words of any length that have two A letters somewhere in the word - the rest is from your rack. You will rarely ever need this format, except for some complex setups thinking ahead multiple turns.


Find words of any length that start with E and end with T. Between them are letters from your rack. You will rarely ever need this format, except for some complex setups thinking ahead multiple turns.

Unscramble rack into pattern cheat

Meet Morewords' most overpowered tool for cheating at Scrabble - unscramble a rack into a specific pattern of letters that already exist on the board.

You know how often there are two or more words on the board next to each other? That is where Morewords' new unscramble pattern tool really shines.

Imagine the following scenario: On your Scrabble board, there are 3 letters in a horizontal line, A T and R. A is two tiles away from T and T is three tiles away from R.

For humans, doing an unscramble operation like this is incredibly difficult, impossible for even the most seasoned of Scrabble players. So how can we use Morewords to solve it?

Following the formatting examples above, we get the pattern "*a-t--r*", which means we want to find words of any length that match our current situation on the Scrabble board.

Now imagine your rack is something like "wua?ils". You even have a blank tile (?) which increases your chances of finding a match by a lot. Put this rack and the pattern above into the form.

Morewords will now display all unscramble words matching the pattern, grouped by length (if requested through the options), for example "waltier" and "saltier". The reused letters from the Scrabble board are faded out, letters from the rack are purple and blanks from the rack are red.

There you go! In about 10 seconds worth your time you solved something that even the most seasoned Scrabble players rarely pull off!

How to use unscramble pattern cheat?

  • First off, choose the game you are playing by expanding the options and choosing either Scrabble US, Scrabble UK or Words with Friends from the selection. You only need to do this once, Morewords remembers your preference henceforth.

  • Then, put your current rack into the first field of the form. You can use a question mark (?) or space character for blank tiles. Blank tiles increase your chances of a match a lot.

  • Finally, put the pattern into the second field of the form. See how to construct those patterns here. Now you are all set - press the search button to ask Morewords for a solution!

  • Within mere milliseconds, Morewords will list all unscramble words matching the pattern, grouped by whatever you requested through the options. There is no comparable tool on the web - it is unmatched in performance and usefulness for Scrabble.

About the unscramble pattern tool

Morewords is a small but dedicated team of Scrabble experts that specialize in finding strategies and best practices for Scrabble and Words with Friends games alike.

Some of the most advanced strategies require to unscramble into a pattern of already existing letters on the board. However, creating an algorithm that is both of high performance while supporting a lot of options is a difficult feat.

However, we at Morewords love challenging ourselves with seemingly impossible tasks. After a few days of planning and work, we finalized our unscramble into pattern word finder.

All that was left was testing it in practice. Can it beat the best AIs that exist for Scrabble and Words with Friends at the moment? Can it keep up with the most seasoned Scrabble players on the planet?

The results did not surprise us in the slightest. This tool is really overpowered and that means a lot coming from us. In a few milliseconds, it was able to unscramble our rack into the most complicated of patterns arising from the Scrabble board.

After we collected a bit more data and did a few more tests, we are now ready to release this incredible tool to the public. You will probably not use anything else once you learned how to efficiently construct those patterns. It is a joy to use Morewords' unscramble pattern word finder!